Thursday, October 4, 2012

Anonymous targets London University Students

Members of Anonymous UK were present at the SOAS Freshers’ Fair last week in an apparent attempt to recruit new members. It is thought that they will be targeting other universities over the coming weeks but no other student recruitment drives have yet been reported.
At SOAS there were around ten members of Anonymous present most of whom wore Guy Fawkes masks to hide their identity. They were attempting to persuade the freshers to attend their “Operation Vendetta” protest march in London which is happening in London in early November.
Anoymous has become the most high profile hacking group over the past few years having come to prominence due to its support of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. It is also part of the network of hackers that NullCrew, who attempted to hack into Cambridge’s computer system over the holiday, claimed to be associated with.
There has not yet been any indication that Cambridge has been targeted by the group and the Cambridge Freshers’ Fair went on without incident on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

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