Friday, October 5, 2012

Basics Tips of Search Engine Optimization for Beginners

Getting more patients through the door is an objective many Bloggers struggle with every day. Implementing an effective online e-marketing campaign is the key to ensuring your practice continues to grow and take on new visitors. There are several facets to Internet marketing, with one of the most important being search engine optimization, a process by which a website's online visibility is enhanced to increase incoming traffic, as well as the website's ranking in the search engines.

Increasing your website's ranking in Google and other major search engines is critical to getting found, as potential visitors searching for a new websites/blogs very rarely go past page one of Google’s search results. In fact, a 2010 study found that results on page one of Google received approximately 94% of traffic.

So if you want to be on page one — which you do —here are five tips to get you there:

1.     Backlinks
A backlink is a link from another website linking to your website. These links are viewed by search engines as votes in favor of your website. The idea is that if a website links to your website, that you must have something worthwhile to share with the world. To get started with backlinking, submit top quality articles to other slimier type websites, blogs, or journals and ask for a link at the end of the article. Another source of a quality backlinks are business directories or state business directories.

2.     Social Media
 Google, Bing, and several other search engines have revealed that Facebook shares and likes, Twitter shares, and Google + shares all influence your website's ranking. While you may not have an influx of patients coming into your practice through your Facebook or Twitter page, Google does look at how many people are pressing on the “like” button on your website. Does this sound like a popularity contest? Well, it sort of is.

3.     On Page Optimization
If your office is located in Punjab, India., for example, then your website should have a  strong indication that the office is indeed in Punjab, India  Do this by stating very clearly on your home page what services you offers and where it is located. This information should be shown in several areas of your website, including the home page and contact page. On the home page, display the address as well as a short introduction to your services/product with the text “Your services in Punjab,” or “Punjab Your Services,” embedded within the paragraph.

4.     Meta Tags
Google gives webmasters tips on how to optimize their websites to help bring them to the top of its search results. There are several components to meta tags that you will find in the source code of your website. One is referred to as “meta keywords,” which according to Google and other search engines, is not a variable factored into the algorithm that calculates the ranking of your website. This is because webmasters have abused the meta keyword function by “stuffing” as many keywords in the meta keywords section as possible. Regardless, it is good practice to list the main keywords that you are looking to rank for. The other part of the meta tag function is the “meta description.” A good meta description is concise and accurately depicts what services the practice offers to people in the area.

5.     Blogging
One of the most prolific concepts in the world of search engine optimization is that “content is king.” If your website doesn't share information relevant to the industry, then search engines have a difficult time knowing if your website should be on page one. The more you blog and refer to “city + your services” in your posts, the better the chances that the search engines will bring you closer to page one.

So, there you have it, five search engine optimization tips that will help bring you to page one of Google. If you are reading this and feel confused or overwhelmed, give me a call for a free consultation at +91-9953926905.

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