Sunday, October 7, 2012

What is Social Engineering? Art of Manipulation: What are the Common Types of Social Engineering & How to Attacks Online | What is Dumpster Diving ??

  • What is Social Engineering?
  • Common Types of Attacks
  • Social Engineering by Phone
  • Dumpster Diving
  • Online Social Engineering
  • Reverse Social Engineering
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Employee Education
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Social Engineering can be broken into two types: human based and computer based:
  • Human-based Social Engineering refers to person to person interaction to retrieve the desired information.
  • Computer based Social Engineering refers to having computer software that attempts to retrieve the desired information
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Social Engineering Techniques: Dumpster Diving

Information that companies consider sensitive is thrown out daily in the normal garbage cans. Attackers can successfully retrieve this data by literally climbing into the company dumpsters and pilfering through the garbage. Information such as names, Social Security numbers,
addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, balances, and so forth is thrown out every day somewhere.

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We don't need no stinking exploits: Hacking human gullibility with social penetration

Security penetration testers Mike Bailey and Mike Murray rely plenty on attacks that exploit weaknesses in websites and servers, but their approach is better summed up by the famous phrase "There's a sucker born every minute."

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