Saturday, October 6, 2012

5 SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been the rave in the internet world. Every NY SEO company, or any SEO company for that matter, is looking for ways to beat the search engine algorithm and be on its first page for a particular term (or keyword).

For someone with not much experience, Search Engine Optimization refers to the use of certain methods to “optimize” a particular webpage/website for a certain search term. Being optimized for a particular term (or keyword) means being placed at the top of the search engine results once that particular term is searched on the search engine. Kind of confusing, isn’t it?

As there are certain methods to follow in order to perfect your Search Engine Optimization efforts, there are also certain mistakes you should avoid. The following part of this article will give you tips on these mistakes you should surely avoid.

1. Avoid buying links. 
Purchasing links is still very popular nowadays. However, doing so can be counterproductive to your SEO efforts. Why is this so? Search engines are doing their very best to defeat this practice. The search engine giant, Google, has its own team in Asia whose main job is to detect purchased links and flag them. Buying links can be can be useful on the short term; however, due to the search engine’s efforts to counter this practice, it will prove to be harmful in the long run.

2. Avoid depending too much on keyword metatags. 
Keyword metatags are invisible to the user which means it is given decreased significance by search engines. In order to determine a website’s ranking, a search engine relies on user visible text. However, take note that a title metatag is user visible and can be useful to your SEO efforts. In addition, you should still provide a description metatag because some search engine show it as a description of your website on search results.

3. Avoid placing keywords on invisible text.
Every SEO company should be wary of this. Stuffing keywords on invisible text can and will definitely get your site banned. It includes text that are obviously away from the user visible page and text that are in the same color as the website’s background. Search engines have a way of detecting these schemes and will recognize it as a spammer.

4. Do not place too much importance on page rank. 
Blue Buckle Marketing, a web design company based in Orange County, NY is wary of the fact that page rank is given decreased significance nowadays. Linking to a site with a high page rank with hopes of “leaking” the former’s page rank to your site is not a good SEO strategy. However, linking to pages with relevant content will do much in optimizing your site.

5. Creating a Flash-based website
Implementing your website in Flash can be very pleasing to the eye. However, it is of not much importance to the search engines. This is due to the fact that search engines loves texts and recognizes websites through their “text” content. There you go! These tips will help you and your SEO company in your optimization efforts. Remember these in mind in order to enhance your SEO strategy.

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