Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How Video Marketing Trends is good in on-line Video Industry

The video marketing trends all point towards viral video marketing which is currently the 'it' thing at present. You can launch and have successful marketing campaigns through viral videos which are trending these days. There are a few things that you need to keep into consideration when planning a successful video marketing strategy:
1. Know your client
It is important to understand the requirements of your client so that you can reach out to him/her emphatically. Do a little bit of research on what age group you should target and how you can make the content interesting and entertaining so that they pass it on to their peers and friends via social networking sites.
2. Find out the trigger words that best describe the video
Once you place your online marketing video, try to gather an understanding of what the audience likes by identifying the triggers. Triggers such as shocking, funny, sexy are associated with a lot of curiosity and therefore triggers a lot of sharing activity on the Internet. 
3. Make the content focused that hits the right chords with the audience
It is important that you follow up on the social triggers and enhance that particular aspect to the extent that the audience is moved to tears, goosebumps, sighs and laughs. Choose one or two triggers and make the most of them. 
4. Spread your video to the audience
It is not possible for marketing videos to get noticed on YouTube alone as you need as much exposure as possible. Hence, go in for a multiple platform approach to make the video viral. You could use HeySpread or TubeMogul that are free. If you aim to target only a certain group of people, then you can go in for paid seeding services like UnrulyMedia, StumbleUpon or Facebook Social ads etc.
5. Make your content user friendly
Make your content downloadable with comments, embeds and links that are short and Twitter-friendly. Make the video a sensation that catches the public's imagination and breaks the common mold. Once you start getting mashed up remakes of your original video, you can be sure that your marketing video has become popular and is here to stay!
6. Time your move and target viral dissemination
It is important to have a planned strategy of how to turn your marketing video into a viral rage. For this, you would require a lot of views when you initially upload it so that it achieves the category of being the most viewed and stays at the top. You would also need to popularize the video via blogging and microblogging instantly so that your video is trending.
To sum it all up, it is important to find your target audience and narrow down your social triggers so that your marketing video reaches out to the audience and becomes a trending viral video. Remember great content always goes a long way, hence impact your viewers.
About The Author: Brianne is a self-employed designer, illustrator & blogger. She loves writing, along with travelling. These days she is working on Rank monitoring software and keeping a close watch how Google is updating its algo. 

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