Tuesday, September 11, 2012

GoDaddy sites Hack impacted $30,000 per Hour

MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - On Monday, GoDaddy the Internet's largest domain registrar was hacked by a member of a hacking group known as Anonymous.

Although it's not clear how many websites were affected by the hacking, the online assault on GoDaddy's web hosting services that is being referred to on Twitter as
#TangoDown is making an impact all over the world, as well as in the Myrtle Beach area.

Over 50 local Myrtle Beach hotels that use GoDaddy services through Fuel Interactive could be impacted by as much as $30,000 an hour, collectively, for each hour the sites are down.

"While we disagreed with GoDaddy's stance on SOPA/PIPA, which is being attributed as a reason for this attack, they're a big part of our business and the area's economy. They're a backbone of the Internet and attacks like this hurt the small businesses infinitely more than they hurt the large businesses they are designed to target," said Stuart Butler, Chief Operating Officer of Fuel Interactive.

According to GoDaddy's twitter, the company is working feverishly making some progress with restoring client services.

SOURCE: wmbfnews

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